Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflux Throat Drink How Can I Get Rid Of Acid Reflux?

How can i get rid of acid reflux? - reflux throat drink

My heart burn from time to time, and shall eat the spicy foods take Tums provide that increase, but I think what acid reflux as a daily ... I feel my stomach and burn the heck out f my throat. I drink water or tea, perhaps to feel my throat is better, but it is not .. What can I do?


chipmunk... said...

I am not a doctor, it is still talking with them, but I must say as a longtime victim of acid reflux disease (GERD)!

Three part answer information, and do not what to do!

I have a very severe case of acid reflux disease (GERD). I had to go to hospital for some of the heartburn that I can go because the pain can be overwhelming or your breathing will be carried out. It can be caused by smoking, consumption of caffeinated beverages if (Wed), consumption of alcoholic beverages, or can also be hereditary

The good thing about GERD is that it may be a temporary thing and can be cured. It is never a license to do, even if it ends with him the rest of his life has the ability to heal itself.

GERD is caused by excess stomach acid is created. This can cause damage or ulceration of the esophagus, stomach and / or damage to your mouth.

What NOT to do !!!!!!!!
In most cases, stress is a factor for reflux to see if you are what you eat and reduce some of the cRess help. When you see what you eat for a week, you should find help when you when he should really listen to the doctor. Things to note:

Food, the fat
Chocolate (including any Coco)
Tomato products

The two foods that I recommend is black molasses and honey. The apple is better for the reflux at night while working for almost everything. What you do is, take a teaspoon. what you've selected. Molasses is the best reason of strength and nutrition, but must be used for taste. What is the substance do not on the walls of the esophagus and two things stick, is a cure and the other to protect themselves.
At the end of treatment, both substances have medicinal properties in them, and if they sit on the wall of the esophagus to heal. This is also useful if you have a sore throat on the morning of reflux.
OnOrder of protection, both substances in sugar and acid reflux that, until the sugar is neutralized and no longer a problem at this point was high.

I am also in search of cinnamon and ginger in food, known to be required to aid digestion and reduce the amount of acid to reduce the food share, resulting in fewer return.

Sandie B said...

Take drugs?
Some medications increase the acidity.
Around the time of the night to control the increasing size of the head of the bed by 6 inches, or use pillows to make your upper body.

I LOVE ME said...

If you want other solutions before trying for a long life for prescription medicines you take digestive enzymes and probiotics also. You can get them at any health store. I was on prescription drugs for years and had always used to be) without (Tagamet. He was accused of relying on a pill 3x per day, tired, but have a few people. Anyway, I could not believe that the difference comes from the excavation. Enzymes and probiotic made on his own! That's all you need today. Good luck! BTW, that enzymes were not much when you get older, and some people are finished. Acidolphlius is what a pro-biotic (tribes) and diff is found in yogurt. You can even buy yogurt, now that it has obtained stem cells (Activia), but some people take the supplement (pill) b / c you do not like yogurt. I think it will be really surprised at the result! Hope this helps.

David K said...

Going to the doctor and explain the problem and fix the problem

Gemini said...

If you have severe acid reflux, the best we can do is go see a doctor. Hey you should get the medication prescribed for them.

Gemini said...

If you have severe acid reflux, the best we can do is go see a doctor. Hey you should get the medication prescribed for them.

Nena said...

You must go to the doc as soon as possible. and he will give you medications and depending on the severity of your acid REFEX thats how long you have to wear ... It is bad for stomach acid to reach the throat.

Jena said...

I know that sounds contradictory, but less than 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar always works for me, if you suffer from heartburn or indigestion. From what I read, it seems that the acidity of vinegar somehow told to stop the stomach producing more acid.

zul said...

Do not drink sodas, eat citrus fruits, tomato sauce, tomato sauce, spicy foods, etc.

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